Urban Landscapes
Portfólio - Urban Landscapes, 11 prints
mais um assinado pelo artista.
Texto de W.M. Hunt. (português e inglês).
Caixa em Corian desenhada por Claudia Haguiara.
Tamanho da caixa: 58cm x 25cm x 4cm.
Tamanho das fotos: 20cm x 19.5cm
Tiragem limitada em 33 exemplares.
Conjunto numerado e assinado pelo autor.
preço sob consulta

Ganhador de vários prêmios e internacionalmente conhecido, Michael Grecco fotografa
retratos para coleções particulares, projetos autorais fine art, campanhas e editoriais publicitários.
A Schoeler Editions lança Urban Landscapes:
"A noite de Michael Grecco é cheia de luz. Ele é um andarilho do luar, um sonâmbulo cujo
consciente e inconsciente não se deixam ofuscar pelo clarão do tráfego nem serem engolidos
pelas sombras.
“Urban Landscapes” de Michael Grecco nos mostra panoramas vívidos feitos em locais
não identificados pelo mundo. Lugares estranhos e exóticos,vibrantes, iluminados,
às vezes iridescentes quase radiativos, revelando feixes de raios, rabiscos, círculos e planos".*
*do texto de W.M. Hunt
For Michael Grecco, the night is time of wonder. With camera in hand, Grecco walks the streets of the world at unusual hours, searching for unexpected beauty through juxtapositions of form, color and action. “Urban Landscapes” feature vividly colored panoramic photographs shot in urban environments that seem at once alien and inviting. The images are cast in colors that come at us in shimmering blasts, arching beacons, streaks, slashes and stabs of intense hues. Their sources may be incandescent, neon or florescent. Eschewing digital manipulation, Grecco works to complete his images is “in camera”, through the lens of his panoramic Hasselblad. Through long exposure, selective focus, shallow depth of field and wide framing, his images transform the quotidian world into a canvas of striking intensity.
Sixty years ago, legendary photographer Ernst Haas announced his interest in “transforming an object from what it is to what you want it to be.” Haas hoped to reflect the joy of looking and of human experience. This can also be claimed of Grecco, who says, “I shoot color with the intention of using the color as effectively as possible, with a deep interest in architecture and our surroundings drawing from the graphic nature of the structures when creating these images.”
Grecco’s aim is “to contextualize man and his/her place in their environments they create. I go out with the intention of breaking visual rules, to create an evocative, cinematic image that inspires.”
W.M. Hunt - Photography Collector & Curator

Michael Grecco