Portfólio - 38x 38.5 cm, 18 prints,
Exemplar único.
Todas as fotografias e certificado assinados
pelo autor.
Texto em português, francês e
Projet Croix du Sud - Pierre Devin Coleção Clássicos.
A Schoeler Editions e Cristiano Mascaro decidiram criar esta cópia exclusivíssima para comemorar a venda da 30ª cópia do portfolio Cristiano Mascaro. Este exemplar recebe o título 30 e é o único com as 18 fotografias assinadas individualmente pelo autor.
Apenas uma cópia será produzida.
Cristiano Mascaro é um profundo humanista. Seu olhar é centrado sobre a vida, sobre a maneira pela qual os homens se apropriam e vivem do espaço.
Os lugares de passagem, domésticos ou urbanos, o atraem. Para ele, um buquê de flores, uma gaiola de passarinho, uma cortina que ondula fazem parte do espírito do lugar, tanto quanto o valor do gesto arquitetural.
Pierre Devin.
After starting a promising career in photojournalism, Cristiano Mascaro opted to become an author. He decided to make the most of his degree in architecture to turn his gaze upon his country, at much the same time as his friend, Sebastião Salgado, was training his focus on globalization and its effects. Since the beginning of colonization, Brazil has been a land of destruction and reconstruction. Since its origins, photography has been the ideal means of registering the passage of time within a space.
Cristiano Mascaro is a deep humanist. His gaze is centered on life, on the way people appropriate and live space. Places of passage, whether domestic or urban, attract him. For Mascaro, a bouquet of flowers, a bird cage, a curtain swaying in the breeze are all part of the spirit of a place, every bit as much as the value of the architectural gesture. Legend has it that his photographs of Brasília earned him the incomprehension of Oscar Niemeyer. True or not, the anecdote reveals the difficulty most architects have in dealing with this kind of reading of constructed space.
Pierre Devin

Cristiano Mascaro