Portfólio - 35x 28 cm, 18 prints,
Tiragem limitada em 30 exemplares.
Conjunto numerado e assinado pelo autor.
Texto em português, francês e inglês.

“O gosto pela contemplação e a busca por um além das aparências empurram Bob Wolfenson para fora do estúdio. Para Cinépolis, uma série inédita, o fotógrafo escolheu uma câmera digital de reportagem propícia à aventura. Ele buscou, com emoção, o mundo e a fotografia que descobriu quando era adolescente.”
- extraído texto de Pierre Devin.
A taste for contemplation and a search for something beyond the appearances is also what lures Bob Wolfenson out of his studio. For Cinépolis, an unpublished series, the photographer opted for a photo reporter’s digital camera, suited to wandering. He was looking for malleability analogous to that of the Nikon with which he made his emotional discovery of the world of photography as a teenager.
Cinépolis begins like Godard’s Alphaville or Lynch’s Mulholland Drive: a police thriller, an investigation in a global city, an identity to be found, a world of images.
The wandering begins at night, makes its way through a city boxed out by security and surveillance devices, and proceeds upon a beautiful escape toward the light, the sea, back to childhood. Alice in the Cities and Paris-Texas spring to mind.

Bob Wolfenson