...O desafio de utilizar uma câmera digital que somente capta imagens em PB e, ao mesmo tempo, iluminar as questões acima, é uma grande fonte de inspiração para aqueles que compreendem e dominam este universo. Bob Wolfenson está entre eles 
e desnudou a cidade de Londres das cores que tanto nos distraem com sua Leica Monochrom.
A Schoeler Editions transformou este momento de renovação da linguagem fotográfica em uma coleção de portfolios em tiragem limitada intitulada 24x36, mergulhando no universo dos tons de cinza e honrando o resultado da criação em preto e branco com a mais alta qualidade de impressão fine art...
Schoeler Editions
In black-and-white photography, the world’s colors are interpreted in shades of gray. To understand this language and to use it in favor of an artistic expression is no easy task to accomplish. Especially in today's digital era when the decision to use color or not comes after the image has been captured.
The 2013 edition of the French photography festival, Les Rencontres Arles Photography, surprisingly decided to draw the attention to B&W photography. Its intentions having nothing to do with investigating the past tries to understand the meaning of the B&W photography in the 21st century’s second decade.
Simultaneously Leica launched a digital camera that shoots only in B&W, challenging the current photography and creating what we can properly call the “real digital black-and-white photography”.
Among the main issues raised by these events are: what is the meaning of B&W photography nowadays? Is it fiction, poetry, abstraction or pure nostalgia? In the digital image age, what has happened to the practice of this sort of photography?
The challenge that lies within the usage of a digital camera that only captures images in B&W and the attempt to shine a light upon the issues mentioned above, can be quiet a source of inspiration for those who comprehend and masters this field. Bob Wolfenson is among them and with his Leica Monochrom bared London from its colors that so intensely distract us all.
Schoeler Editions took this moment of renewal of the photographic language and put together a limited edition Portfolio Collection called 24x36, plunging into the shades of gray territory, honoring the results in black-and-white, with the highest quality in fine art printing.
24x36 Bob Wolfenson
Portfólio - 24 x 36 cm, 11 prints
mais um assinado pelo artista. 
Texto de Marcelo Greco. (português e inglês).
Tiragem limitada em 33 exemplares.
Conjunto numerado e assinado pelo autor.
Bob Wolfenson
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